An Arlington Educator Urges Us to Tackle the New School Year Using an ‘Attitude Option’
作者:理查德·R. Russey
Transition and change are embedded in our DNA (think cell division), 以及我们的外部世界, 无论是个人还是职业. 我们知道这个, 然而,就像变化一样真实和持续, 我们经常把它当作不受欢迎的入侵者, 可怕的, 甚至使人衰弱.
The forward movement of our lives can be experienced in ways running along a continuum from transfixing immobility on one end of the spectrum to triumphant exultation on the other. Most of us experience change somewhere in between these two extremes, 取决于所涉及的变化的程度——从次要的, 几乎不被注意到的打嗝到惊天动地, 改变一生, 对一个人的生活有很大影响的改变, 学校环境, 和/或社区. There is no doubt that for the most part we are creatures of comfort; we seek the familiar and are soothed and comforted by the known.
这是不可否认的, 然而, 在变化中存在着巨大的力量, 既能使人衰弱又能使人充满活力的力量. 每一个人, 团队, 组织, 和/或社区 can decide how to react to this power: Remember, there’s always a choice in how we react to a change experience. One of the great global Renaissance women of our time, Maya Angelou, wisely contributed to the dialogue on change by declaring, “发生在我身上的事情可以改变我, 但我拒绝屈服于它.” Clearly her mindset accepts change as inevitable, but something around which an 态度的选择 作为一种选择而存在. 在Angelou的案例中, she embraces the power she possesses to be resolute about maintaining her balance and purpose, 拒绝以任何方式被削弱. 事实上, 看看安杰洛的一生, one could fairly accurately opine that she has embraced change in such a way as to enhance her life (one outcome being wisdom).
We don’t often control the changes that come our way, but we do control our reaction to it. 认识到并接受我们一直都有 态度的选择 is to intentionally see change as an opportunity for positive benefits and outcomes. 看看变革的挑战和力量, legendary basketball player and coach John Wooden said, “失败不是致命的, 但未能改变可能是.伍登的话很有用,也很有活力, in part because they acknowledge the fact that all of us experience failure, 也许很多次, 在我们的一生中, 但这种失败本身并不致命. But he speaks powerfully about the locomotive of life as being fueled by change. 同样,一个 态度的选择 被引用了,不管有多隐晦.
So, the challenge that confronts us is how we decide to respond to the transition and change experience. Here are some positive options that may help us successfully navigate change in our own lives:
当事情变得艰难时, 它肯定会时不时地这么做, it might be a good idea to keep this quote by Robert C. Gallagher说: 改变是不可避免的——除了自动售货机.”
Let’s go into our work for this new school year with vigor, 兴奋, 也许同样重要的是, the flexibility and understanding that change is the only constant there is, 它可以是具有挑战性的,也可以是令人振奋的!
理查德·罗素(理查德。, 阿灵顿教育协会的成员, teaches visual arts at the Montessori Public School of Arlington.