Perhaps nothing is more important to our success as educators than how well we build relationships within our school communities. The best way for a teacher to help students reach their full potential is by creating and encouraging positive relationships with them. “Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” is a famous quote attributed to several people and often referred to in school circles—because it’s true.
我一生都在从事公共教育. My nuclear family growing up has over 100 years of combined experience in the field: My father was a middle school principal, 我母亲是一名特殊教育教师, 我哥哥是一名最近退休的社会研究教师, 我即将进入我的第30个教育年头. 在观察我的家庭和我自己的经历中, I have learned that building successful relationships is hard work that needs constant nurturing and reflection. 我以前的一个校长, 劳顿县公园景观高中的姜·明斯说, 经常告诉我们, “我们需要为学生树立我们的学术和行为期望.”
Here are ten methods I have learned for building meaningful, positive relationships in school:
Greeting my students as they walk into class is the most important action I take every day—it ensures our first interaction is a positive one. 有时我会祝贺他们的成就,或者赞美他们. 即使一个学生遇到了困难, 像这样一个简单的手势传达了今天是崭新的一天. 这也有助于衡量学生的情感健康. 如果一个学生看起来精神失常, I know that I may need to pull them aside or tweak my lesson plan according to my students’ energy level.
这是给人留下积极第一印象的简单方法. As a child, 我记得看着父亲用阿默斯特小学的班级照片, Ohio to memorize students’ names and faces so he could greet them on their first day of middle school. 当我问他在干什么时,他告诉我他只是在为新学年做准备. 只要知道他学生的名字, 有时甚至在他们意识到他的之前, 我父亲表现出了他对学生个人的关心. 我现在在斯特林的道明中学的校长是. John Brewer, has taken that concept a step further by visiting the home of every incoming freshman. 跟随他们的脚步, I also take some time to review my seating chart and look over the kids’ pictures before the first day, 用谷歌搜索我不会发音的名字. Incorporating “ice breaker” activities into bell ringers or morning meetings will help students learn about each other as well, 怎样培养建设性的课堂氛围.
我试着每两周至少和每个学生单独交谈一次. 当他们做个人作业时,我可能会坐在他们旁边, 到自习室去找他们, 或者在公告期间与他们交谈. It doesn’t need to be a deep conversation—just a quick check-in allows teachers to take those relationships to a deeper level. 另外, taking the time to talk with students outside of class time can help teachers understand how to motivate them, 并且可以帮助他们在学生陷入危机时更快地识别出来.
你的学生一定知道你喜欢他们,关心他们. 当我1994年开始我的职业生涯时,我只是假设我的学生知道我喜欢他们这个人. 我很快意识到我必须具体而明确地说明这一点.
Helping students find answers to their own questions or problems is far more powerful than telling them what to do. 有时候孩子们最需要的就是同理心, 一个倾听者是你能提供的最重要的东西. 如果我把一个学生拉到大厅里帮助他们改变行为, 我总是以冷静的态度开始谈话, “你还好吗?”?“令人惊讶的是,即使是最沮丧的孩子,这个简单的问题也能让他们放下戒心. By asking questions, I am guiding students to develop the ability to solve problems on their own.
My niece, 凯蒂Hicks-Matusevich, 谁是里士满地区的小学老师, 经常使用激励措施, 比如贴纸, 和她的三年级学生建立关系. I have started keeping rewards like this on hand as well for my high-schoolers and will hand them out to kids for doing the right thing. 我的学生很喜欢它们,有时他们会在一年剩下的时间里把它们放在笔记本电脑上. My niece also recommended redirecting behavior by only giving positive attention to a student doing the right thing. 如果有一个学生在玩手机, I will find another one who is engaged in the activity at hand and give them a sticker or compliment them for completing their work. 让我惊讶的是,这经常会让那些没有完成任务的学生重新集中注意力.
我做的另一件事, too, is try to identify students who will be a challenge early in the school year and then find something they did well, thank them, 给他们的家打电话. 家长们在听到老师的消息时,一开始的惶恐几乎总是会变成宽慰, 然后是幸福. Any issues that come up later become much easier to handle if the first interaction is positive.
人际关系通常以简单的“嗨”和“你好吗”开始?“我在学校见到的任何人都会打招呼, 包括学生, 秘书, 其他老师, 或门卫. 这是一个简单的, easy gesture that models a lifelong skill to students and increases positive energy in the building. 这也是了解学生表现的另一种方式. 有时我有学生回答说:“不太好. 这让我可以更深入地讨论他们的心理需求. 如果你已经知道是什么在困扰一个学生, ask them a specific question about it or mention a previous conversation you have had with them. 换句话说, 个性化谈话——仅仅表现性地问别人怎么样是没有用的. Students who I did not even have in class come back to the school years after graduating and tell me I was the nice teacher in the hall.
就像“你好”,“谢谢”是很容易说的,也是一个重要的模特行为. 如果有学生在课后帮我打扫卫生, 我总是会盯着他们的眼睛说, “我真的很感激.“当我午饭后走进自助餐厅监督自习室时, the janitors are usually still cleaning tables and I always make a point of pitching in to help. 我还要感谢我们的秘书,并询问他们是否需要任何帮助. 做秘书是最难的工作之一, 学校里最重要的工作, and I am always willing to get extra steps in by running an errand in another part of the building. Saying “thank you” or lending a hand is another way of modeling respectfulness to your students.
如果你不知道如何做某事或看到某人把某事做得很好,请寻求建议. 试图自己解决问题是人类的天性. However, 这通常会减慢我们的速度,更重要的是, 排除了让别人成为专家的机会. 另外, 鼓励学生表现出同样的行为可以营造积极的课堂氛围. 例如,在科技领域,学生往往比老师更有优势. 作为我的学生的研究论文项目的一部分,我要求学生制作视频. 我有时请他们教我如何使用视频软件, 这样既能提高他们的自尊心又能教会我视频制作. I also encourage them to help one another with the technology and ask some students if I can use their work as examples for the class. 作为系主任,我也采取了类似的做法. 我在课堂上使用的许多技巧都来自于观察其他老师. 在部门会议上, 我经常会请老师展示一种新技术, 这不仅节省了时间,而且使年轻和年老的教师都能展示他们最擅长的东西.
根据Allison Klien的说法 教育周, 老师们平均每天要做1500个决定. 我们一定会犯错误. 我已经道歉了无数次了. 通过模拟这种行为, 提高学生情商的关键是什么, 我发现大多数学生都因为我承认错误而尊重我. There is nothing wrong with apologizing the next day if you realize you could have handled a situation in a better way.
成为学生课堂外生活的一部分可以培养和加深学生之间的关系. 你通常不需要成为专家. 我教书的第一年, 我问了学术挑战赛/学术碗比赛的教练, 当时我还不太了解他, 如果她需要帮助. 我对学术挑战赛/奖学金碗几乎一无所知, but the late Norma Bornorth at Broad Run High School taught me everything about coaching the activity. 事实证明,这绝对是一次爆炸,也是了解孩子们的好方法. 几年后, I asked the school’s football announcer if he needed a spotter (a person who tells the announcer who carried the ball or made a tackle). 我不仅和足球运动员有话可聊, 舞蹈队和乐队, 但我也在教学中结交了一些最好的朋友. I enjoyed it so much I became an announcer myself and have been doing it for the past 20 years. 在校外与学生见面甚至不需要定期参加活动. 我参加过鹰级童子军的典礼、宗教仪式和体育赛事. Whenever a student invites me to something that demonstrates their passions, I try my best to attend.
建立人际关系是一项艰苦的工作. 同时, observing students grow and thrive as they reach their potential is the greatest joy of teaching. I am often reminded of the words of the late civil rights icon and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall: “None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. 我们来到这里是因为有人——一位家长, a teacher, 常春藤盟校的密友, 还有几个修女弯下腰帮我们捡起靴子.“帮助学生实现他们的目标不是偶然和运气. 这需要深思熟虑的计划. 作为教师,我们是榜样,需要仔细考虑我们的行为. There is no greater sense of fulfillment than when a graduate visits you and lets you know how much of an impact you have had on their life.
史蒂夫·希克斯, 劳顿教育协会的成员, 是道明高中的社会科学老师兼系主任. 他被命名为 她是2023年《凤凰体育买球》年度教师奖的决赛选手.
为什么积极的师生关系如此重要, 根据《教育大善, 他就职于加州大学伯克利分校