It doesn’t all stop on the day you retire from teaching or other school employment. 你的日常生活可能会改变, but you are still the professional who invested years, 还有汗水和眼泪, into making our Virginia public schools the best they can be. And you’ll still want to be an integral part of your professional community, the 弗吉尼亚教育协会-Retired.
See below for information on who can join and for answers to frequently-asked questions about VEA-Retired.
The 2022 Fall meeting of the VEA-Retired Council.
VEA-Retired is part of the social media world. 你看过我们的网页了吗? Keep up with your colleagues, post comments about 事件 in your area, and share ideas.
VEA-Retired发布连接, a regular newsletter to keep you informed on all the action, 包括选举, 事件, 和活动. 看看最新一期.
The president and other officers are elected by VEA-Retired members to a two-year term and may be elected to a second two-year term. The president’s term includes serving as a delegate to the VEA Delegate Assembly and the NEA Representative Assembly.
These folks are local contacts for VEA-Retired chapters around the state.
The VEA-Retired Council consists of the president,副总裁,财务处长,前总统, the VEA-Retired member(s) of the VEA Board of Directors, and an elected representative from each of Virginia’s 11 congressional districts. Those elected representatives on the 2023-24 VEA-Retired Council are:
接触VEA-Retired President 洛拉麦克道尔, or VEA staff liaison Bea Snidow (804) 775-8328.
According to a American Library Association survey, 67% of voters oppose banning books from school libraries?